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Pain Management

Kalamazoo Anesthesiology

A new way to look at pain.

What kind of pain are you experiencing? Is it debilitating? Persistent? Chronic? Is it robbing you of your independence? Your freedom? Your joy? We are your best hope for relief.

As the region’s expert in pain management, we are uniquely qualified to address the most complex expressions of pain with a multi-disciplinary approach and sophisticated technologies that provide greatly improved to complete relief from pain.

KA Reputations and Performance

Begin with the experts in pain management.

Pain is complex. It can be classified as acute or chronic, or by the kind of damage that causes it (e.g. muscular or nerve damage), or by the part of the body that is affected (e.g. joint pain, back pain, neck pain). Its causes and origins can be a result of injury, disease, trauma, or even psychological factors. Effective pain management requires unique medical expertise. KA Pain Consultants is helping patients find relief by looking at pain in a new, more comprehensive way, and expanding treatment options that are uniquely effective for you.

Looking at pain from every angle – our multi-disciplinary approach.

Our multi-disciplinary approach improves our understanding of your pain, and allows us to choose from the most proven and advanced techniques to effectively manage your pain. Every new patient at the KA Pain Consultants clinic is seen by three pain experts – an occupational therapist, a clinical psychologist and a pain physician. This unique, multidisciplinary approach provides better diagnostics and creates new options for treatment to manage pain, restoring freedom and hope to our patients’ lives.

Better tools. Better outcomes.

Pain management is a unique branch of medicine. While many family physicians will be first responders to a patient’s pain, the patient often benefits most from the unique capabilities of pain medicine. Our multidisciplinary approach begins with a foundation of rehabilitation and behavioral therapy, and sophisticated new tools, unique to pain management, allow us to go even further:

  • Nerve Block – An anesthetic injected near the inflamed nerve using fluoroscopy to decrease pain/inflammation.

  • Spinal Cord Stimulation – A small implanted device generates tiny electrical pulses that replace the feeling of pain with a tingling or massaging sensation.

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS or TeNS) – Electrical stimulation applied to the skin and intended to provide relief by blocking impulses of underlying nerves.

  • Injections – Nerve block, Joint block, Trigger Point, and Epidural block injections are delivered directly to nerve centers or muscle tissue for relief of inflammation and pain.

  • Radiofrequency Neural Ablation (Rhizotomy) – Delivers radio wave generated heat to targeted nerve tissue, decreasing pain signals from that specific area.

  • Lidocaine Infusion Therapy – Intravenous (IV) infusion of lidocaine.

  • Occupational Therapy – Education in stretching, exercise, body mechanics, core strength, diet and weight loss, as well as, myofascial and trigger point release, heat therapy, and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS Unit).

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Helps to improve coping skills by changing the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to pain.