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Perioperative Services

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Going Under?

What every patient should know.

Some patients are more anxious about the anesthesia they will receive than the surgery they will undergo. Don’t lose sleep over being put to sleep. We are here to help guide you through this stressful day. One of the ways in which we relieve those anxieties is by making sure you are informed about the process. Here is some information to prepare you before you arrive.

Anesthesia has been called one of mankind’s greatest discoveries.

The administration of anesthesia allows surgeons and other medical specialists to perform procedures that can save lives and improve the quality of life. Anesthetics themselves however, are powerful medications that are inherently dangerous. Only doctors and nurses with advanced training (anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists) should be administering anesthesia. At Kalamazoo Anesthesiology, all of our physician anesthesiologists completed a three or four year anesthesiology residency in the United States, following medical or osteopathic school. Likewise, all of our nurse anesthetists have completed a master’s level nurse anesthesia program following nursing school. Your anesthesia care team will be highly qualified.

Safety is our priority.

First and foremost, our number one priority is your safety. In general, receiving anesthesia from skilled providers is safe. Most people, even those with significant health conditions, are able to undergo anesthesia without serious problems. Often, your risk of complications is more closely related to the type of procedure you’re undergoing and your general physical health, rather than to the type of anesthesia you receive.

Older adults or those with serious medical problems, particularly those undergoing more extensive procedures, may be at increased risk of complications. Modern scientific advances have made anesthesia and surgery safer and our doctors and nurses aim to provide the best-informed care before, during, and after your surgery so you get the best outcome possible.

Anesthesia is uniquely customized to you.

Your KA anesthesiologist will meet with you, review your medical records, and adapt your care plan to your unique characteristics. You will meet with your Anesthesiologist and Nurse Anesthetist prior to your surgery. The Anesthesiologist is the head of the care team, and the Nurse Anesthetist is at the head of the table in the operating room. Together, we strive to make sure your routine surgery stays routine.

We are by your side.

During your procedure, one of our highly trained anesthesia care team members monitors you continuously while you sleep. Depending on the procedure you’re having and the type of anesthesia you receive, we will offer interventions or give you medications to help prevent some of the common side effects people experience. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, having a sore throat, shivering, or sleepiness. When the surgery is complete, the anesthesia medications are stopped, and you gradually wake either in the operating room or the recovery room. You will probably feel groggy and a little confused when you first wake and those effects gradually fade with time. Depending on the procedure that was performed, the recovery nurses will either prepare you to be discharged home from the post-anesthesia care unit or admitted to the hospital floor, so you may continue the recovery process.